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Francesco Fullone


Business & Sustainability Designer

Daruma Consulting

Faenza, Italy

Speaks: EnglishItalian


I'm Francesco Fullone, a business designer, consultant, entrepreneur, and investor in technology companies focusing on sustainability or social impact. I help companies to better define their business propositions to create options to validate them, and I advise them to organize themselves better to reach their goals. I founded different companies - Apropos to help communities, companies, and local groups organize events and workshops; Digitiamo to create NLP and AI-related products; Ideato (sold), where I contributed to its growth for more than ten years, creating an innovative and quality reference for the development agencies in Italy. I'm the president of the, a non-profit association that encourages best practices and inclusivity in web development since 2002.

Activity History


Dec 16

Green Software Management course

a masterclass about Green Software Management policies
speakingCTE COBO Masterclass

Il corso in Green Software Management affronta l'impatto ambientale e sociale del software e fornirà ai partecipanti le best practice per sviluppare e gestire software in maniera sostenibile. L'approccio sia tecnico che concettuale permetterà ai partecipanti di comprendere i concetti chiave del Green Software, imparare a valutare l'impatto ambientale delle architetture IT ma non solo. La giornata formativa, consigliata ai professionisti in ambio digital, IT e tecnologico, fornirà, oltre alle migliori pratiche per sviluppare e utilizzare i software in maniera sostenibile, le best practices in ambito: W3C, GSF, Sustainability, Digital Sustainability, Sustainable IT.

Green Software Management: il corso gratuito di CTE COBO
Green Software Management: il corso gratuito di CTE COBO

Nov 19

Codice Futuro - IT Sostenibile

Codice Futuro - IT Sostenibile
speakingCodice Futuro - IT Sostenibile

A meetup about best practices for Green and Sustainable Software in the Open Innovation Center of Credem Bank.

Prenota il tuo posto ad Officine Credem
Prenota il tuo posto ad Officine Credem

Nov 13

Decarbonize your digital product

a talk about Green Software Principles, SCI, Sustainable Design and Sustainable UX
speakingProduct Managment Day

a talk about Green Software Principles, SCI, Sustainable Design and Sustainable UX

Edizione 2024 | Product Management Day
Edizione 2024 | Product Management Day

Nov 7

Software's LCA

Software Carbon Intensity and other frameworks
speakingDigital Ethics Forum

talk about LCA and Digital LCA

Interventi | Digital Ethics Forum
Interventi | Digital Ethics Forum

Aug 1

Sustainable IT


a weekly newsletter about Sustainable IT and Green Software

Visit activity

Oct 23

Business Sustainability Master

virtual meetup about sustainability in IT and Green Code
mentoringCNCF Sustainability Week Milan

I`m a teacher and tutor of the Master, I teach the basics of Sustainable and Green Software, talked about Green Software Maturity Matrix, Impact Framework, Practices and Principles.

Sustainability Management Master – Part Time • IT ACADEMY
Sustainability Management Master – Part Time • IT ACADEMY

Oct 11

a Sustainable IT conference

BetterSoftware is a conference about Sustainable IT and Green Software, mostly in Italian will have speeches about good practices and case studies to decarbonize the IT and Software infrinfrastructure.

 Better Software Conference 2024
Better Software Conference 2024

Oct 7

CNCF Sustainability Week

virtual meetup about sustainability in IT and Green Code
speakingCNCF Sustainability Week Milan

Login to Meetup | Meetup
Login to Meetup | Meetup

Sep 21

a Sustainable IT conference
speakingFuori di Test 2024

A conference about quality assurance in software development

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Jun 27

Sostenibilità dell’IT

Dall’impatto ambientale del software a quello sociale.
speakingXPUG Bologna Meetup

A talk about good practices in Green Software, I talked about Software Maturity Matrix, Green Principles and how to create, and put in action, a plan to decarbonize applications and infrastructures.

Sostenibilità IT, dall'impatto ambientale a quello sociale - F. Fullone | XPug Bologna
Sostenibilità IT, dall'impatto ambientale a quello sociale - F. Fullone | XPug Bologna

Jun 3

Life cycle assessment e riduzione della digital footprint

speakingGreen and Blue Festival

We explore strategies to address the environmental impact of digital products. We will introduce Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), illustrating how the results can inform design and manufacturing. We will discuss techniques for measuring and reducing emissions, involving the entire development team. Finally, we will explore the Green Software Foundation's SCI project, an ISO standard for calculating and reducing the impact of software emissions.

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May 24

Sustainable Software

speakingSustainable Software for DIR

Distretto Informatico Romagnolo is a community of IT companies that helps each others to learn and grow in a good ecosystem

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May 14

BFE43 · Sostenibilità dell’IT

Dall’impatto ambientale del software a quello sociale.
speakingBologna Frontend Meetup

A talk about good practices in Green Software, I talked about Software Maturity Matrix, Green Principles and how to create, and put in action, a plan to decarbonize frontend applications.

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May 1

Business Sustainability Master

lectures about Green and Sustainable Software practices

Tutoring the students about (Digital) Business Design for Sustainability, I also held two lectures about Life Cycle Assessment of Digital Product, Green Software accounting and Corporate Digital Responsibility

Sustainability Management Master – Part Time • IT ACADEMY
Sustainability Management Master – Part Time • IT ACADEMY

Apr 19

State of the art of Sustainability in IT

a workshop about understanding sustainability in IT and defining a transition plan
speakingBusiness Design Camp 2024

I run a small workshop about the sustainability pillars in IT and how to use the software maturity matrix, among other frameworks, to design and put into action a transition plan to green software practices.

Business Design Camp 2024: "Business Design come strumento per l'innovazione sostenibile" - Business Design Italia
Business Design Camp 2024: "Business Design come strumento per l'innovazione sostenibile" - Business Design Italia

Mar 15

Green Software AMA at Italian DevOps Conference (IDI)


I used my sponsor desk during the conference to organize a small AMA about Green and Sustainable Software. I talked with conference attendees and pointed them to GSF activities.

home | Incontro DevOps Italia 2024
home | Incontro DevOps Italia 2024

Mar 14

Green Software AMA at Developer Experience Day Conference

I used my sponsor desk during the conference to organize a small AMA about Green and Sustainable Software. I talked with conference attendees and pointed them to GSF activities.

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Mar 6

Round table about green technology and energy

speakingStartUp Ecosystem Day

In this round table I will talk about Green IT and Green Software, what companies need to know about and what are the steps to embrace them.

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Feb 28

Sostenibilità dell'IT, dall'impatto ambientale del software a quello sociale

speakingPUG Romagna's Meetup

Accedi a Meetup | Meetup
Accedi a Meetup | Meetup

Feb 15

Business Sustainability Master


I`m a teacher and tutor of the Master, I teach the basics of Sustainable and Green Software, talked about Green Software Maturity Matrix, Impact Framework, Practices and Principles.

Sustainability Management Master – Part Time • IT ACADEMY
Sustainability Management Master – Part Time • IT ACADEMY

Feb 9

Green Software Maturity Matrix assessment


In a private event I helped some companies to understand their approach to sustainability using the GSMM as a starting point for all the discussions.

GitHub - Green-Software-Foundation/green-software-maturity-matrix: A green technology self-assessment tool for organisations
GitHub - Green-Software-Foundation/green-software-maturity-matrix: A green technology self-assessment tool for organisations


Nov 18

IT e Sostenibilità, un nuovo approccio alla complessità

Italian Language

A talk about Green Software and Digital Responsibility at the mayor Agile conference in Italy

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Nov 1

Green and Sustainable Software Articles

Italian Language Content

I write some essays, mostly in Italian, about Green Software, Sustainable Software, and Sustainable IT.

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Oct 19

Sostenibilità dell'IT, dall'impatto ambientale del software a quello sociale


A talk about Sustainable and Green Software in one of the biggest ITC event in Italy

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Oct 13

Business Sustainability Master

lectures about Green and Sustainable Software practices
speakingGreen Web, Green Software and Sustainable Software

Tutoring the students about (Digital) Business Design for Sustainability, I also held two lectures about Life Cycle Assessment of Digital Product, Green Software accounting and Corporate Digital Responsibility

Business Sustainability Master
Business Sustainability Master

Jun 6

Principles of Green Software Engineering

speakingDevRomagna Meetup

hands-on lesson about SCI and Green Software Practices

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Oct 20

Digital Sustainability Master (2022)

Tutor and lecturer

I tutored the students about Green Software and SCI, and we designed green digital businesses.

Business Sustainability Master
Business Sustainability Master

Oct 15

Green principles, cosa sono e come impattano

Italian Language Content
speakingAgileDay 2022

A talk about Green Practices at the biggest Italian conference about Agile Development.

Green principles, cosa sono e come impattano - Francesco Fullone
Green principles, cosa sono e come impattano - Francesco Fullone

Oct 14

Green principles, cosa sono e come impattano

Italian Language
speakingAgileDay 2022

A lighting talk about green principles, SCI, and CI reporting. In the mayor Italian conference about Agile Practices

Green principles, cosa sono e come impattano - Francesco Fullone
Green principles, cosa sono e come impattano - Francesco Fullone
